Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
A structured group programme that employs mindfulness meditation to alleviate suffering associated with physical, psychosomatic and psychiatric disorders. Participants are invited to focus with an interested, accepting and non-judgemental attitude on their pain, difficult sensations, emotions, cognitions and behaviour. This practice may lead to change in thoughts and behavioural patterns or in the attitudes towards thoughts, sensations and emotions.
Fjorback, L. O., Arendt, M., Ørnbøl, E., Fink, P., & Walach, H. (2011). Mindfulness‐Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness‐Based Cognitive Therapy–a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 124(2), 102-119. doi: 10.1093/clipsy.bph077