
An Arabic term that describes the effect of music on emotions. According to Arabic culture, it refers to the traditional forms of music that are capable of inducing ecstasy or enchantment.


Pronounced, “tar-tul”. A Scottish term that describes the anxiousness and hesitation to greet or speak to someone whose name one has forgotten. It is also the moment of panic when one is introducing someone else and realises they have forgotten that person’s name.


A negative psychological state that occurs when one is subjected to information overload and continuous contact with digital devices. Technostress can lead to stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue.


Biologically based individual traits concerning an individual’s emotional reactivity and self-regulation. Temperament usually remains stable throughout one’s lifespan.


An intense, unpleasant emotion arising from death awareness, or from stimuli that arouse mortality salience (i.e. reminders of one’s eventual, impending death).

Terror Management Theory

A theory that posits that to manage the potential for terror engendered by the awareness of mortality, humans sustain faith in worldviews which provide a sense that they are significant beings in an enduring, meaningful world rather than (...)

Theory of Mind

The ability of an individual to impute (attribute, assign) mental states to himself and to others (either to conspecifics or to other species as well). A system of inferences of this kind is properly viewed as a theory because such states are not (...)


Pronounced, “torsh-luss-pa-nik”. It is a combination of three German words (Tor + Schluss + Panik) that directly translates to ‘gate-shut-panic’. The term describes the anxiety upon feeling that time is running out to take action and (...)

Trait Affect

Between-person, relatively stable tendencies and dispositions to experience certain emotions or mood.

Trait-Consistent Mood State

The idea that both personality traits and mood states convey information about the self in the world. When traits and states mismatch, epistemic uncertainty results, causing a delay when a person is asked to encode new events with reference to (...)


Stress events that present extraordinary challenges to coping and adaptation; traumatic stressors includes “experiencing, witnessing, or confronting events that involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others.”

Triangular Theory of Love

A theory of love which deals both with the nature of love with loves in different kinds of relationships. It is suggested that there are 3 components: (a) intimacy encompassing the feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness experienced in (...)


An emotion that describes great satisfaction and victorious feelings in competitive contexts.Triumph is closely linked to pride. It is suggested, however, that expressions of triumph precede pride.