
An aversive state that people are motivated to reduce arising from the lack of information about an event.

Undoing Effect of Positive Emotions

The claim that subjectively pleasant, positive emotions undo or resets the cardiovascular aftereffects of unpleasant, negative emotions.

Unrealistic Optimism

The systematic tendency to form beliefs that are biased, and often false, but have significant benefits because they increase wellbeing, contribute to mental and physical health, and support productivity and motivation.

Upward Spiral of Lifestyle Change

An extension of the upward spiral of positive emotions. The upward spiral of lifestyle change suggests that engaging in positive health behaviours leads to experiencing positive emotions and intrinsic motivation that encourages persistence in an activity.

Upward Spiral of Positive Emotions

The observation that the effects of positive emotions accumulate and compound. That is, the effects of positive emotions, broadened thinking, and positive meaning share reciprocal relations. The broadened attention and cognition triggered by (...)