Basic Emotions

Fundamental, first order emotions that are structurally and dynamically simpler (primarily due to a lack of cognitive influence) operating chiefly during early childhood (e.g. joy, fear). They develop earlier, constitute foundations for more complex or secondary (...)

Behavioral Activation System

A general motivation system that underlies behaviour and affect. Also referred to as Behavioural Approach System. The behavioural activation system regulates appetitive motivation, is sensitive to signals of reward, nonpunishment, and (...)

Behavioural Inhibition System

A general motivation system that underlies behaviour and affect. The behavioural inhibition system regulates aversive motivation, is sensitive to signals of punishment, nonreward, and novelty. Activation of this system causes the person to inhibit (...)


A situation/stressor in which a person experiences the loss of someone significant through that person’s death.


An emotion elicited based on an appraisal of stimuli as comprehensible but low on complexity. A state of relatively low arousal and dissatisfaction, which is attributed to an inadequately stimulating situation.

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

A family of proteins (i.e., factors) found in high concentrations in the central nervous system (hippocampus, cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, cerebellum). Brain-derived neurotrophic factors build and maintain cell circuitry and spur the growth of new neurons.

Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotion

A theory that posits that experiences of positive emotions broaden people's momentary thought-action repertoires, which in turn serves to build their enduring personal resources, ranging from physical and intellectual resources to social and psychological resources.


An overwhelming sense of exhaustion emerged as a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors. Burnout is also characterized by feelings of cynicism, detachment from one’s work, and a sense of ineffectiveness to accomplish anything.