

Biologically based individual traits concerning an individual’s emotional reactivity and self-regulation. Temperament usually remains stable throughout one’s lifespan.

Azorin, J. M., Fakra, E., Adida, M., Belzeaux, R., Cermolacce, M., Mazzola, P., Corréard, N., Dubois, M., Pringuey, D., Sokolowsky, M., & Kaladjian, A. (2012). [Temperamental endophenotypes]. L'Encephale, 38(3), 70–S74. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0013-7006(12)70081-7

Lansade, L., Bouissou, M. F., & Erhard, H. W. (2008). Reactivity to isolation and association with conspecifics: A temperament trait stable across time and situations. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 109(2-4), 355-373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2007.03.003